Welcome to Open Yoga University

Students from all over the world have an opportunity to learn yoga at our University remotely by means of online communication. Open Yoga University (OYU) - is an innovative educational project aimed at saving and dissemination of the cultural heritage of ancient yoga teaching. People all over the world, regardless of their race or national origin, gender, place of residence, philosophical or religious affiliation can study the theory and practice of endangered yoga teaching (knowledge). We use the achievements of modern science and technology in the educational process. 

Our University provides special unique training course that results in the award of yoga Instructor/Teacher certificate. Upon successful completion of all stages of education you acquire the right to teach yoga independently and as a part of our team by exclusive methods within the competence of the training program. You can also study yoga in depth on your own and attend practical classes in our University.

Our Program Types:

Preparation for study

Basic Yoga Education

Advanced Education

Higher Yoga Education

Management Education

Professional Education